Full Name: Juliet Rosali Charlienco
Birthdate: 07/21/1988
Age: 30
Country of Origin: Japan
Current Home: London England
General appearance: Body type: Slim but muscular
Height: 5'9
Hair: Mid-back, curly and brown
Eyes: Brown
Special Features: Two long jagged scars down her arms
Blood purity: Pure
Sexual alignment: Heterosexual
Personality: Juliet is strong willed but somewhat dependent on others though she tries to do everything on her own. she has witnessed her parents death so she may seem cut off from the world at times this is because she is still trying to figure out what exactly happened and is trying to get over the fact that they are no longer with her. She also believes her brother is dead and does not know that he is in Russia but remembers nothing of her so she has seen too many losses for her to want a close friendship with anyone.
Background: Juliet loss her parents a year before she attended Hogwarts her aunt and uncle took care of her during that year and would also of taken care of her brother however he had vanished and was presumed to be dead at the time he was only twelve. Juliet does not see why she is the one who is chosen to keep on living. Juliet just wants to be dead like the rest of her family.
When she was seventeen she gave herself to a man who was two years older then her. For him she almost joined the Death Eaters but then he decided that she was not good enough for him and he broke it off. This angered Juliet and she turned it around and joined the ministry with the sole desire to spite her former love.
Father: Henric Charlienco
age 38:
Status(living or deceased):Deceased
Blood purity: Pureblood
Mother: Rita Juliet Charlienco
age 37
Status: Deceased
Blood status: Pure
Siblings: Terrence Lee Charlienco
age: 20
Staus: Alive but MIA
Blood purity: Pure
Adopted Son: Halo Riddleveraz
Age: 5
living or dead: Living
Blood Status: Pureblood
Living or dead:
Blood status or Species:
Family Background: Juliet is the only known living relative of her family. Her mother and father died during the war. That they were called to fight. Her brother is missing in action due to the battle. Though he is said to be in Russia. This is unknown to Juliet.